domenica 21 maggio 2023
Tecnica del Monoallenamento settimanale al salone del libro di Torino 2023
giovedì 11 maggio 2023
Solo walk of 61.9km for a nice coffee in Pinerolo(Italy).
Coffee in Pinerolo, bar in Piazza Cavour. |
Today's solo walk was not so premeditated, as I realized that I had a free Saturday and so on with the idea of COFFEE IN PINEROLO... My usual obsession.
Map there and back. |
I went down to the courtyard at 7:24 am (04/08/2023), and shortly after the start of the walk, already tinkering with videos, photos, and whatever else!
The kilometers on the way passed quickly, discovering some peculiarities of the 'Via della Pietra' cycle path that still eluded me. For example, the small bridge at the entrance to Barge with an outlet near the ITT factory parking lot. From there, I took the road that goes from the 'Il Giardino' restaurant in San Martino towards the Barge countryside, and then re-entered the cycle path on the section of the old railway.
A point on the 'Via della Pietra' cycle path. |
We then continue for a very long straight road, passing through the towns of Bagnolo, Bibiana countryside only, Campiglione, and then the center of Bricherasio. The most beautiful passage of the stretch was that of the 'Ponte Pellice' used as a track and reassigned to the cycle path. Many people, especially near Bricherasio. Cyclists were the majority.
A curious building near Bibiana. |
I wanted to stop by and say hello to my mother who lives there, but she was away, so I continued, although on my return, I realized that a friend lived near the passage, so I went to say hello to him... I stopped at the edge of the gate for less than a minute.
After Bricherasio, which I crossed passing through the center, I began to travel on country roads, crossing the town of San Secondo di Pinerolo. From here on, there are not many kilometers left, and in no time, I was in front of the Miradolo Castle, and shortly after the overpass, I found myself next to the Pinerolese Civil Hospital.
A cycle path near San Secondo di Pinerolo. |
Heading towards Piazza Cavour and a few moments of rest at the bar waiting for coffee. A ritual photo after 3 hours and 56 minutes to cover those just over 30km.
It always affects me to see 'city' people walking around the city, I wonder what they think of someone poorly dressed, with sticks and a backpack on their shoulders running slowly among the sidewalks...?!
Fields on the way... |
I resumed the return journey (identical) and realized that I had forgotten to eat for the entire journey! I made up for it with three snacks in the hours after heading home. One while walking, the other sitting on a stone at the edge of the cycle path, and the last, the most beautiful, sitting in a field adjacent to the cycle path just outside Barge towards Envie (the one I paid the most for, as it was the longest of all, and my legs felt like wood afterwards). How I love to eat on adventure wherever I am!
The pace after the last snack had slowed down significantly. I was around the 50th kilometer and after that break, when I started again, my legs felt heavy and sluggish. I hadn't stopped for very long, but I believe the reason for this was that I hadn't covered 60km on foot until that day. It's no coincidence that the first 30km were "fresh," given that in my previous outings, I had covered distances only slightly shorter than the Olona. I'm certain that with the proper rest, the next time will definitely be better, especially since I will have already covered that distance in this previous occasion.
I took a GPS snapshot. |
In the end, I completed the entire adventure on foot in 9 hours, 0 minutes, and 58 seconds, covering a distance of 61.9km (although it's not entirely clear why there's a bit of a discrepancy between the GPS watch and the phone?!), with an average speed of 6.8km/h. I alternated between 5 minutes of running and 5 minutes of walking for most of the time, except for occasional moments of recovery due to snacks, photos, or videos, when I opted for 7 minutes of running and 3 of walking. All in all, it went well. Solo outings are always a mix of adventure and training for me. Mostly adventure, given that I've been studying at home for the past five years...
At the end of it all, I was completely exhausted. |
Now that the third edition of the good old book "Ultratrailwith Mono-Training" is out, I'm planning more excursions to maximize the spread of my work, which in this occasion includes special tips for managing long-distance walks for people over forty.
I'll close by saying that ever since I finished my ultratrail racing period, I've been contemplating whether to resume competing or to continue with solo feats. I received an invitation to participate in a race in October 2023, but I'm undecided; I really enjoy solo outings! I think I could do both, but it will be my upcoming work commitments that will ultimately decide.
Video Live YouTube:
GPS track with WikiLoc:
Below is the detail of the reference links related to my ultratrail and trail
Very long distances |
Routes |
Competitions |
Solo adventures |
Publications |
Training strategy |
UltraTrail eBook
lunedì 8 maggio 2023
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Io e Paolo Fusta Editore presso il suo studio di Saluzzo |
Eccomi di ritrovo presso lo studio di Paolo Fusta Editore, per tutti i preparativi preliminari riguardanti l'imminente avventura a piedi verso il Lingotto di Torino, pianificata per domenica 21 maggio 2023. Idee sul percorso innanzitutto, infatti nel 2016 per la seconda edizione del Monoallenamento ero partito dal Pian del Re(sorgenti del Po, con intervista radiofonica successiva) mentre in questa occasione per la terza edizione partirò dalla Sede Saluzzese della casa Editrice Fusta. Con la partenza per il tragitto da Saluzzo qualche variante dovrò apportarla rispetto alla volta passata, dato che la lotta è sempre verso la soluzione chilometricamente più vantaggiosa! Non da poco sarà l'orario di partenza da decidere, che sicuramente sarà scelto abbastanza presto al mattino. Aggiungo che dovrei essere al seminario di Osteopatia quella domenica ma ho già anticipato a scuola che sarò presente a lezione solo il sabato, visto l'evento eccezionale. Pertanto ci sarà una grossa 'tirata' in auto per andata e ritorno in un solo giorno per essere operativo domenica mattina per la qui citata avventura a piedi.
Da pianificare sono anche le relative modalità dell'arrivo presso la sede del Salone del Libro, infatti la volta scorsa avevo avuto problemi con la 'Security all'ingresso' dato che vedendomi arrivare stremato, con bastoncini e zaino alla mano avevano pensato fossi qualcuno di 'poco raccomandabile', anche questo aspetto sarà da preventivare meglio... Poi le interviste, le foto di rito, l'incontro con altri autori... Tutto dovrà essere fatto in modo abbastanza agevole e veloce dato che sarò certamente cotto e le mie risorse per tutta la parte comunicativa sul posto saranno davvero minime, anche se per forza di cose sarà tutto assolutamente da fare per il tempo presso lo presso lo Stand di Fusta Editore.
Non mi dilungo e concludo scrivendo che non anticipo nulla sul percorso in quanto tutto è ancora in via di elaborazione, inoltre come sempre preparerò video ed articolo a cose fatte. Qui trovate il link WikiLoc dell'ultimo allenamento sopra i 30km a due settimane dall'evento a piedi:
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Locandina presentazione terza edizione |